Thursday, May 14, 2015

'The Co-Op Partner You Never Wanted' Panel Project

Last year, I had a intense panic attack that forced me to bail from a Panel I was speaking on, and run out of PAX Australia. This year, I have a goal: A panel discussing real stories of mental health experiences, ways real people have received help and learnt to manage their disorders, research and information about how common these disorders are, and how games (something we all enjoy) can help.

I've requested that this panel be in the same room, at the same time, on the same day as the panel I didn't make last year. It's terrifying, but important.

There was an idea for an intro video involving as many people as we can saying “Hi, I’m Jiggsy, and I live with Anxiety every day.” I fell in love with this idea for a few reasons. It brings together a group of people who share similar experiences, and will help show others watching how common this is. We can help destigmatise mental health disorders. You wouldn't try and walk off a broken leg, so why try the same approach with your brain?

Which brings me to the video project. There are two core tenets I want this panel to be focused around.

  1. You Are Not Alone.
  2. It’s Okay to Ask for Help.

Starting a panel with a video of people openly mentioning their stories and struggles, I feel, would be immensely powerful. In a room of anywhere between 1,000 and 3,000 people, the statistics suggest that 200-600 of them will experience a mental disorder. Showing them that they don’t have to do it alone makes a massive difference. I know this, because it did for me.

You can read about what happened to me last year here.

So how can you help? You can be a part of this video, no matter where in the world you are. Simply add your name and email address to this Google Form, and I'll invite you to a Dropbox folder you can submit your video to (You will need to sign up for a free Dropbox account if you don't already have one).

Instructions on formats and resolution, and most of this message, are in text files in the folder too. If you know someone that may be interested, let them know! I'd prefer to have too many videos to include in the final cut than only a few.

There's a trust system in place here, and I'd appreciate it if we all worked towards the common goal of showing others (including ourselves) that we're not alone in this. Please don't violate each other's trust.

Finally, please don’t feel that just because you’re here now you have to be a part of this. It’s entirely optional, and if you decide at a later date that you no longer want to be involved, that’s also okay. Just let me know, and I’ll delete the clip, and make sure it’s not used in the final cut, which will also be available as it progresses in this folder.

Thank you. You Are Not Alone.

Jess ‘Jiggsy’ Hodgson